Saturday, March 10, 2007

A new top 10 list

For those of you who've never taken an EMS class before, you can stop reading right here. I'll throw some random bait to keep your attention though : Britney Spears, Madonna, NBA, Final Four, March Madness, P. Diddy, Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith

There, now we can get to my EMS rant of the evening. For your amusement and entertainment, I've compiled the Top 10 Bitches, Moans, Gripes, Whines, Cries, and Pisses of EMS Students.

1) You didn't tell us that would be on the test.
2) Can we have a study guide?
3) That wasn't in the study guide.
4) That's not fair.
5) Nobody taught us that.
6) You didn't tell us that would be on the test.
7) Will this be on the test?
8) Why do we have to know that?
9) I have to go early because my daughter has a dance recital/softball game/PAP smear/orbital launch and I'm the only person alive who can get her there. (Thank you for that one, AD.)'
10) I didn't take [INSERT CLASS HERE] in high school. (Usually chemistry, biology, or ANY math class beyond general math.)

Now if you're not in EMS and still reading this, you're probably scared and will never call 911 again. Hmm, maybe I did accomplish something.... Just kidding, y'all....

Seriously, since my friend AD has so many compliments on his "war stories" from the field, I may have to post my one or two really good ones. If anyone's reading this, let me know if you want to read the Buddhist exorcism story before.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hahahaha, good call.
I HATED those assbags.
They think since they paid all this money for the course they deserve to have their diploma handed to them on a silver platter.